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bi·ot·ic /bīˈädik/


  • relating to or resulting from living things, especially in their ecological relations.

  • "the preservation of biotic diversity"



At AlgaeBiotics, we are committed to harnessing the incredible power of nature to create sustainable solutions for water purification. We specialize in growing macro algae, leveraging its exceptional abilities to naturally remove excess nutrients from water, both in indoor recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and in outdoor environments.

Our passion lies in the preservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems. With our innovative approach, we strive to combat water pollution and promote healthier waterways by implementing efficient and eco-friendly methods. By cultivating macro algae, we not only purify water but also contribute to the overall balance and vitality of aquatic environments.

As experts in the field, we understand the pressing need for sustainable water management. AlgaeBiotics offers a comprehensive range of services and products tailored to suit your specific needs. Whether you are a commercial fish farmer seeking to optimize your RAS system or a concerned environmentalist looking for effective solutions to combat algal blooms, we have you covered.

With our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge techniques, we ensure the highest quality macro algae cultivation. Our team of dedicated professionals combines extensive expertise with a deep understanding of environmental stewardship, guaranteeing outstanding results and long-lasting positive impacts.

We invite you to explore our website, where you will find valuable information about our processes, products, and success stories. Join us in our mission to create a cleaner, healthier future for our waterways, one algae at a time.

Thank you for choosing AlgaeBiotics. Together, let's make a difference for our planet and its precious aquatic ecosystems.

Chemical Free Water Purification

Using Nature to Purify

AlgaeBiotics is a revolutionary agal purification system.

Operating is Efficient, Carbon Negative, and Economic!

Algae grows on rotating wheels, using light, CO2, and nutrients. Through coevolution, algae and bacteria have developed an intricate relationship where the by-products of one group are the inputs for the other. Algae produce oxygen, consume carbon-dioxide, generate polysaccharides (sugars), and assimilate ammonia, nitrate, and phosphorus. Bacteria consume oxygen and sugars and produce carbon-dioxide — completing the cycle.

The AlgaeBiotics System is a proprietary technology that brings water treatment

and water re-use into today’s ever-growing aqua farming/water treatment industries. AlgaeBiotics modular system can be installed quickly and mimics nature’s biological process to simplify water purification and nutrient demands.

Re-Inventing the Wheel 

Our RAS system uses proven biological filtration and water treatment technologies to recycle and purify the water used in the system. This reduces the need for fresh water inputs, which can be a significant source of energy consumption in traditional aquaculture systems.

In addition, our system uses innovative aeration and oxygenation technologies to support the growth and health of aquatic species. These patented technologies are highly efficient, using minimal energy to deliver optimal results.

These systems allow for precise control of water temperature, pH, and other critical parameters, enabling the system to operate at maximum efficiency and minimize energy waste.

Overall, our RAS system has been designed with energy efficiency and sustainability in mind. By using advanced technologies and optimizing the operation of the system, we are able to significantly reduce energy consumption and environmental impact, while still delivering high-quality aquatic products.

What does The Whole Fish and Algae Biotics do? Simple Answer: We farm fish (fresh and salt) to sell to local markets while creating an ideal environment to grow produce and vegetables. We use AlgaeWheels to grow algae to purify our water, virtually eliminating water changes. Algae plays a key role in the water recycling process, which in turn creates even further byproducts to make commercially available to take to market. Some of the by products include: Soil conditioners, fertilizers, as well as beneficial bacteria for starter tanks.

Algae have a number of commercial uses and can be found in a variety of markets. Some of the main markets for algae include:

  1. Food and nutrition: Algae are a rich source of nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals. As such, they are used in a variety of food and nutrition products, such as supplements, protein powders, and snack bars.

  2. Animal feed: Algae are also used as feed for a variety of animals, including fish, chickens, and pigs. They provide a sustainable and nutritious alternative to traditional feed sources, such as corn and soybeans.

  3. Biofuels: Algae can be used to produce biofuels, such as biodiesel and bioethanol. They are a renewable and sustainable source of energy, and can be grown using waste water and other low- quality sources of water.

  4. Cosmetics and personal care: Algae are used in a range of cosmetics and personal care products, such as facial creams, shampoos, and soaps. They are known for their moisturizing and nourishing properties.

  5. Water treatment and purification: Algae are used in a variety of water treatment and purification processes, including removing excess nutrients, breaking down pollutants, and removing heavy metals and other toxic substances.


Fight Algae with Algae

Macro algae possesses remarkable natural properties that make it an ideal tool for water purification. Through a process called nutrient uptake, macro algae effectively removes excess nutrients from waterways, promoting cleaner and healthier aquatic environments.

The primary nutrients that macro algae target and remove are nitrogen and phosphorus, which are often present in excessive amounts due to various human activities such as agriculture, wastewater discharge, and stormwater runoff. These nutrients, when present in high concentrations, can lead to water pollution and harmful algal blooms, disrupting the balance and health of ecosystems.

Macro algae combat this issue through a two-fold mechanism: absorption and assimilation.

  1. Absorption: Macro algae absorb nutrients directly from the water. They possess specialized structures, such as fronds or blades, which increase their surface area for efficient nutrient uptake. These structures are covered in microscopic hair-like projections called trichomes, which have the ability to absorb dissolved nutrients from the water column. The nutrients, including nitrogen and phosphorus, are absorbed by the algae through their surfaces.

  2. Assimilation: Once absorbed, the macro algae utilize the nutrients for their growth and metabolic processes. They convert the nitrogen and phosphorus into biomass, which becomes part of the algal structure. This assimilation process reduces the nutrient concentration in the surrounding water, effectively removing them from the system.

By removing excess nitrogen and phosphorus, macro algae play a crucial role in preventing eutrophication, a process where excessive nutrient levels lead to the overgrowth of algae and other plants. This overgrowth depletes oxygen levels in the water, resulting in the suffocation of aquatic organisms and the degradation of water quality.

Moreover, macro algae serve as habitat and food sources for various aquatic organisms, creating a balanced ecosystem. Their presence enhances biodiversity and supports the growth of beneficial organisms, including fish, shellfish, and other marine life.

At AlgaeBiotics, we employ advanced cultivation techniques to optimize the nutrient removal capabilities of macro algae. By creating controlled environments and utilizing nutrient-rich water sources, we maximize the growth and productivity of the algae, allowing them to efficiently extract nutrients and purify the water.

Through our innovative approach, we aim to restore and maintain the ecological integrity of waterways, ensuring a sustainable future for both aquatic ecosystems and the communities that depend on them.


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